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Load Shedding
This information is supplied on a best effort basis. Schedules do change and these may not reflect the latest situation. Please refer to the relevant authorities to confirm. Last Updated: 2023-02-20
There are 2 electricity load shedding calendars for Grahamstown - Grahamstown 1 and Grahamstown 2. These are the calendars for Grahamstown 1 that affect Rhodes University.
Load Shedding - Grahamstown 1 - Stage 1: Add this feed to your Google Calendar
Load Shedding - Grahamstown 1 - Stage 2: Add this feed to your Google Calendar
Load Shedding - Grahamstown 1 - Stage 3: Add this feed to your Google Calendar
Load Shedding - Grahamstown 1 - Stage 4: Add this feed to your Google Calendar
Load Shedding - Grahamstown 1 - Stage 5: Add this feed to your Google Calendar
Load Shedding - Grahamstown 1 - Stage 6: Add this feed to your Google Calendar
Load Shedding - Grahamstown 1 - Stage 7: Add this feed to your Google Calendar
Load Shedding - Grahamstown 1 - Stage 8: Add this feed to your Google Calendar
Load Shedding - Grahamstown 1 - Stage 9: Add this feed to your Google Calendar
Load Shedding - Grahamstown 1 - Stage 10: Add this feed to your Google Calendar
Load Shedding - Grahamstown 1 - Stage 11: Add this feed to your Google Calendar
Load Shedding - Grahamstown 1 - Stage 12: Add this feed to your Google Calendar